Welcome to the Blacklisted Gaming forums.
Few things you should know about us before you decide to join.
First and foremost, we don't hate. Racist or overly sexual comments are not welcome here and on this point there is no negotiation. All religions, races, and beliefs are welcome. Politics and religion are your thing, and it's personal. We respect your rights and beliefs, so let's not start arguments over them.
We are currently interested in The Secret World and Star Wars the Old Republic. We also have a chapter in Rift, and a Blacklisted guild will be forming when Guild Wars 2 goes live. Of course we follow most games, including single-players, and we even discuss the occasional outdoor-type games.
Most of the topics you'll find inside the forums will be more of a social thing. Of course in it's base reason for existing, this forum is about games, but we are first and foremost friends, and we enjoy having playful fun at each others expense, me included...me maybe more so then most
You can either be a member of Blacklisted, and receive access to all of the forums, or you may be a member of the forum itself, but will receive less content of course. We encourage all to become members. All it takes to become a member is a small application. Becoming a member of Blacklisted does not mean your "ours" for life, but more of a way to pull new folks from their shells so they'll get used to posting and contribute to the fun.
Don't forget to verify your email, it's usually sent to your spam folder.
Other than that... come in, and make some new friends!